General overview of services and benefits offered to returning service members and their families.
Address:810 Vermont Ave NW Washington, DC 20420

The Department’s Veteran and Small Business Programs implement the requirements to aid, counsel, assist, and protect the interests of Veteran and Small Business concerns to ensure that a fair proportion of total purchases, contracts, and subcontracts for property and services for VA are placed with Veteran and Small Businesses.
Address:810 Vermont Ave NW Washington, DC 20420

Resource page on how to get grants to add items or reconstruction of areas to make the house more adaptive for the Wounded Warrior.
Address:810 Vermont Ave NW Washington, DC 20420

eBenefits website provides a search engine for Veterans seeking employment. Features include a Skills Translator for assessing military training into civilian job skills. Free Resume Builder assists with developing a resume for transition to civilian employment.
Address: Washington, DC

VA Documents Home Page. This web site contains information regarding VHA-wide policies, procedures, requirements and other information of general applicability. The VHA Forms, Publications and Records Management Service of the VHA Office of Information maintains the content. Most documents are available in PDF format.
Address:810 Vermont Ave NW Washington, DC 20420

Prepare for your next mission by accessing services you may have earned under the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) program and other VA training and career assistance programs. Make your move from military to civilian life a success and get the training you need to thrive in your next career.
Address:810 Vermont Ave NW Washington, DC 20420

Through rehabilitative sports and recreation activities the Vail Veterans Program helps to rebuild confidence and provide a sense of freedom from catastrophic injuries including: loss of multiple limbs, severe burns, spinal cord injuries, post-traumatic stress syndrome, and traumatic brain injuries. The Vail Veterans Program is provided free of charge to wounded warriors and their families giving them much needed time away from the hospital and offering them hope for the future.
Address:PO Box 6473 Vail, CO 81658

Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports offers a night of free paddling plus a
BBQ for Vermont Military Families one evening a week during the
summer on the water’s edge of Lake Champlain in Burlington. It’s a
great way to get to know other local military families while service
members and veterans gain skills on kayaks, canoes and paddleboards.
Some participants may choose to learn yoga on the paddleboards as
well. More locations may be added this summer so stay tuned.
For more de...
Address:PO Box 139 Killington, VT 05751

Offers free individual and family counseling to eligible Veterans and familes at 300 local Vet Centers
Address:810 Vermont Avenue Washington , DC 20420

VetJobs is the premier veteran employment placement assistance site on the internet. Available to all service members preparing to transition, veterans & their family members.
VetJobs provides individualized employment services for transitioning service members and veterans. We work one-on-one with military-affiliated job seekers through all stages of the employment cycle.
Address:10 Stone Falcon Cr Lake St Louis , MO