I am the caregiver to my husband who is 100% permanently and totally disabled veteran. He was wounded in combat during his deployment in Afghanistan. His injuries keep him from working and require him to need my aid and attendance. These are our experiences.

We evaluated over 500 colleges to provide this list of the 81 most military friendly online schools. Every school is fully accredited and provides a strong military culture, exceptional online support to its military students, as well as earns high marks in financial aid and flexibility.
For example, Saint Leo University Online offers a course to help veterans transition to a university setting and provides an emergency fund to assist veterans in times of need. With a flexible deployment po...
Address:123 Lake Street S B-1 Kirkland, WA 98033

TAPS provides ongoing emotional help, hope, and healing to all who are grieving the death of a loved one in military service to America, regardless of relationship to the deceased, geography, or circumstance of the death. TAPS meets its mission by providing peer-based support, crisis care, casualty casework assistance, and grief and trauma resources
Address:3033 Wilson Blvd Suite 630 Arlington, VA 22201

An innovative consideration for using a PSTD working service dog to improve the quality of life of our wounded warriors afflicted with this invisible wound.
Call TADSAW to request an application. The application will be sent via e-mail, fax, or snail mail within 24 hours - please notify us if not received promptly. Returning completed information can be via e-mail- fax or postal (6) Complete the personal information pages (your part of the application) and return immediately to TADSAW/PFHF ...
Address:13423 Blanco Rd Suite 218 San Antonio, TX 78216

This site provides an informative and sensitive exploration of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), including information for patients, family members, and caregivers. Topics include types and symptoms of brain injury, TBI treatment and recovery, and helpful insights about the potential long-term effects of brain injury. Survivors and their caregivers share courageous stories about their own experiences, providing down-to-earth facts along with inspiration and hope.
Address:AETC/ SGRK Security Drive Building 8110 Door 16 USAFA, CO 80840

The goal of this online book is to better prepare the head injured person and family for the long road ahead. Nearly all of the survivors of a traumatic head injury and their families have one complaint: There is nothing written that explains head injury in clear, easy to understand language.
This resource helps to assist with the journey. The goal of this online book is to better prepare the head injured person and family for the long road ahead. Nearly all of the survivors of a traumat...
Address:5123 North Royal Dr Traverse City, MI 49684

The TSGLI process can be very confusing. Many claims are being denied. That's why it is so important to find someone who knows the process. Someone who can provide services that can help maximize your potential for a TSGLI award. Not everyone needs help filing a claim. But if you are not sure, contact me. I will discuss your claim at no cost to you to see if you qualify. If you do need help, I will be happy to refer you to a reputable attorney who can handle your case. But, that's not all. Once ...

Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI) provides automatic traumatic injury coverage to all Servicemembers covered under the SGLI program. It provides short-term financial assistance to severely injured Servicemembers and Veterans to assist them in their recovery from traumatic injuries. TSGLI is not only for combat injuries, but provides insurance coverage for injuries incurred on or off duty.
Address:810 Vermont Ave NW Washington, DC 20420

With approximately 22 million veterans in the United States, the issue of substance abuse treatment for members has long been a topic of intense examination.
Due to the widespread stigma attached to substance abuse, seeking help in the open has been problematic for many soldiers. This has been addressed by the VA with several options for soldiers to find confidential assistance with their substance abuse, but even with more confidentiality, many veterans who live in more remote locations...

Offers a network of offsite providers who can evaluate, treat and refer you as necessary via video; contact TRICARE regional coordinator to request services
Address:7700 Arlington Blvd Suite 5101 Falls Church, VA 22042