

ORGANIZATIONS: *(Click on Organization Name for more info)

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This web-based article addresses the impact of grief on a family. The loss of a loved on can impact survivors' mental and physical health.    
Website:Click Here
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This link is for the website list of resources. Also available on the site is a link to download a printed copy of the booklet "Everyone Serves: A Handbook for Family & Friends of Service Members.
Website:Click Here
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Written by wounded Iraq war veteran and APF's Military/Veterans Amputee Program Advocate, Derek McGinnis, Exit Wounds narrates the inspirational story of how one courageous veteran, with the aid of his family, recovered and thrived despite near death, traumatic brain injury, and the loss of a limb. Exit Wounds also offers veterans and their families comprehensive and authoritative information on acute and chronic pain syndromes afflicting veterans, treatment options, and strategies for self-adv...
Website:Click Here
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This web-based article provides information on dealing with grief.
Website:Click Here
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Fairways for Warriors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing a better quality of life for our Wounded Warriors by teaching them to play the game of golf, a game that can be played and enjoyed for the rest of their lives. During our golf clinics we will employ a teach, play, compete cycle to be repeated each clinic session. In this way you will learn how, demonstrate how, and finally compete against your fellow clinic mates.
Website:Click Here
Address:3361 Rouse Rd Suite 225 Orlando, FL 32817
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Would you like your military family to become more resilient? Does the military lifestyle make you feel as though your family’s lives are on hold? Could your home use more harmony and unity? Combat readiness is a term service members are familiar with. It’s used to train our military for the possible ‘what if’s.’ Spiritual readiness works in a similar way. It prepares the military member and his/her family for the possible what if’s unique to the military lifestyle. Spiritual readiness is a...
Website:Click Here
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MICHIGAN ONLY: The primary purpose of the Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund is to help veterans in Michigan who return from the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns and find themselves in need of support and assistance.
Website:Click Here
Address:PO Box 33099  Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303
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The mission of Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is to provide college scholarships and educational counseling to military children who have lost a parent in the line of duty. Our vision is that every such child can have a debt-free college education.
Website:Click Here
Address:44900 Prentice Drive  Dulles, VA 20166
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The Veteran Services program offers Homelessness Prevention & Stabilization Services to Veterans and their families in Texas, Alabama, Florida and North Carolina. These supportive services include outreach, case management, help in obtaining VA benefits, emergency financial assistance for rent & utilities and assistance in obtaining and coordinating other public benefits.
Website:Click Here
Address:535 Bandera Road  San Antonio , TX 78228
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This PDF sheet answers frequently asked questions regarding what VA Benefits regarding service dogs are available to veterans. Links are also provided for the VONAPP ((Veterans On-Line Application) where veterans can apply for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment benefits.
Website:Click Here
Address:810 Vermont Ave  Washington, DC 20420
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The posting of information, material or links on this site does not constitute an endorsement, nor should it be interpreted as an assurance of the reliability of the organization or information contained in materials or on the site. The information, material or links are provided as an informational resource only and each individual should determine the utility and truthfulness of the information for themselves.

Battle- Buddy Info is the military based initiative of Sunshine After Rain Ministries
4900 S Lancaster  Dallas TX  75216