Money Geek provides a simple and easy to comprehend outline to assist the transitioning veteran. Easy to navigate chart provides links for requesting your DD214 as well as resume examples and other helpful tips to assit you in transitioning to the civilian workforce.
As a veteran, making the transition from a military to civilian job can be a daunting task. When looking to obtain a civilian job after years of working under military structure, you may have questions about how to create a resume, search for a job or apply and interview for a position.
Some of the challenges you will face include: how to translate your military work experience into civilian terms, how to interview for a civilian job and where to look for a job that would best fit your military background.
Many have made the transition and have successfully landed jobs in the civilian world. All it takes is a plan and some knowledge of how to best present yourself and your experience to your potential employer. This guide will help walk you through the details needed to translate what you have accomplished into the right civilian job for you.
Area Of Focus:Employment transition a veteran's guide to job hunting
Other:Website offers insight into navigating the transition from military to civilian workforce