Air Force Wounded Warrior Program 
The AFW2 program works hand-in-hand with the Air Force Survivor Assistance Program and Airman & Family Readiness Centers to ensure Airmen receive professional support and care from the point of injury, through separation or retirement, for life.
At Air Force Wounded Warrior we:
-Advocate for services on Airman's behalf
-Coordinate with closest Airmen and Family Readiness Centers to ensure wounded warriors receive face-to-face, personalized services
-Provide professional services such as transition assistance, employment assistance, moving assistance, financial counseling, information and referral, and emergency financial assistance
-Assist in integrating Airmen and their families back into their local communities
-Connect Airmen and their families with the Joint Family Support Program in each state
-Coordinate benefits counseling and services provided by the DoD, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Labor, Social Security Administration, TRICARE, and other helping agencies
Address:550 C Street W Ste37 HQ AFPC/DPFW ATTN:AFW2 JBSA Randolph, TX 78150
Area Of Focus:Transitioning Wounded Warriors of the Air Force
Branch Of Service:Air Force
Caring For Caregiver DoD Program VA Program 24/7 Availability