Military Kids Connect [0]
Military Kids Connect provides a fun and engaging environment to develop coping skills and build psychological health and resilience, with primary features such as:
•Distinct content tracts arranged by age group (youth, tween, teen)
•Message board for military youth promoting peer-to-peer communication for support
•Inspirational videos from military kids coping with deployment
•Fun and original games and activities related to military deployment
•Interactive maps for learning about the locations to which a parent may be deployed
•Problem solving activities about decision making dilemmas
•Tips for coping with deployment (Deployment Daily)
•A scrapbook feature for kids to capture day-to-day events and experiences for sharing with parents during and after deployment
•A private, secure environment compliant with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
•For Parents and Educators: Information and tools to aid in helping children cope with deployment
Area Of Focus:Interactive Website with information, activities, online games for children of military families
Other:Mobile game apps associated with the website available
DoD Program Non-Profit Organization Military Children Smartphone App