Become a Registered User

Registration or Membership is not required for full access to all of the resources listed.

YOUR VOICE COUNTS!  Registration allows you to comment and review organizations in our Directory.  You will help other military members and their families who are seeking assistance.  It will also recognize organizations for their service, or identify areas for improvement.

*(Note: - See the upper right corner of this page to Register.  Registration may take several seconds. All fields marked with a red asterisk are required.  Once you click the Register button please wait until the system responds) 


Welcome to Battle-Buddy.Info

Battle-Buddy Info is an online Directory of Military Resources for Active Duty, Veterans and their Caregivers. We list military focused non-profits and resources that provide direct assistance to veterans and active duty personnel, in a user-friendly format. We work hard to maintain relevant information and resources, not only from non-profit organizations or government sources, but from peer support networks, Caregiver Blogs, books of interest as well as general topics related to issues the men and women who serve our nation face when returning to civilian life.



Listed Military Resources are PRE-VETTED.  Our Users have accessed, and/or researched the organizations and many have received services from the listed providers and they are considered to be viable sources for assistance


The site was developed and designed with input from focus groups of wounded warriors and their caregivers.  Our goal was to create a simple and intuitive site to navigate – especially for those with injuries that may make it difficult to focus or to maintain attention span


We are continually updating the site with new organizations as they are made known to us. Our goal is for military resources listed to be relevant, easy to access, and organizations that have exhibited integrity and honor in getting help to our heroes and their families.  


Do you know an organization that has helped a soldier? Use the Contact Us form to let us know and we’ll add them to the database.



At this time we do not seek donations or accept advertising.  We are currently privately funded and will make every attempt to maintain that funding approach.


  • If you would like be a representative in your community, contact us and we will send you Battle-Buddy Info cards to pass out in your area and among your friends.
  • Like and/or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn!  Help us spread the word!





"What you guys are doing is awesome. You guys are on the right track with this web site. I personally know that there are already several soldiers that will benefit from the information that you guys have. My wife is still very involved with the wounded warriors assigned at the Warrior Transition Unit I was assigned to. In fact, I will be giving the cards to my old platoon leader and squad leader to hand out.

Cpt. D Carr, Wounded Warrior
Battle- Buddy Info is the military based initiative of Sunshine After Rain Ministries
4900 S Lancaster  Dallas TX  75216